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Info Tour Terbaru
  • Approximate time: 7 hours Travel by motorized canoe to Mantehage Island for.. selengkapnya »
  • STAR 115 - SPECIAL SCUBA DIVING 10 Days – 9 Nights     Day.. selengkapnya »
  • STAR 104 - SCUBA DIVING TOUR 5 DAYS - 4 NIGTHS    Day 01 :.. selengkapnya »
  • Approximate time: 10 hours Tangkoko one of the best rainforest with its flora.. selengkapnya »
  • Approximate time: 7 hours Drive to Maumbi village the birth of Mrs. Walanda.. selengkapnya »
  • STAR 102 - SCUBA DIVING TOUR  3 DAYS - 2 NIGHTS Day 01 : ARRIVAL Upon.. selengkapnya »
  • Approximate time: 7 hours Scuba diving at Bunaken Sea Garden, well- known with.. selengkapnya »
  • Approximate time: 8 hours Combination of scenic and historic tour, breathing.. selengkapnya »
  • Approximate time: 7 hours Travel by motorized canoe to Bunaken Island, one of.. selengkapnya »
  • Approximate time: 4 hours Visited : Second World War Memorial Monument - Sea.. selengkapnya »
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CV. Beesolution Indonesia

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